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Referral Management Dashboard

The Referral Management Dashboard provides a high-level view of the activities in the system for each of your markets. The data for accounts, contacts, activities, and referrals is provided through four sections with key statistics and totals. 

Note: The Dashboard page is only available to Administrator user roles.



The accounts data displays the totals for key metrics of the selected market. Click View to analyze the data through the Accounts page.


The contact data displays the totals for key metrics of the selected market. Click View to analyze the data through the Contacts page.

User Activity Summary

Each user in the system (includes all markets) is listed, along with high-level activity data and their assigned accounts.

Referral Spread

The graph shows your contacts and a gauge of their current performance (referrals) compared to the average of the last three months. 

Red - Below average

Yellow - same

Green - Above average

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