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Contacts Page - Search, Create, and Edit Contacts

The Contacts page displays your referral sources (Anyone who sends you a referral). This page shows your contacts count by category(a) and in a searchable list of contacts collected by your company (b).

Note: The contacts listed come from the WebPT EMR.


Contact Totals

At the top of the Contacts page, you’ll see a total count for each of the four different contact categories:

  • Active Contact: Contacts who have referred in the past 90 days
  • Lead Contacts: Contacts who have never referred to you (Working on getting their business)
  • Inactive Contacts: Referred to you in the past, but not in the past 90 days
  • Contacts with No Account: A contact that is not associated with an Account (Clinic/Hospital/Company)

Note: Click any category to filter the contacts list by the category (i.e., Lead Contacts)

Use the search fields under the totals to find a specific contact. Enter search criteria into at least one of the search fields to narrow your results. You can also use the search options to organize a specific list of contacts. 

Export Contacts

The Export Contacts feature provides a .CSV file of all the contacts.

Create a Contact

  1. To create a contact, use Create Contact at the top-right of the contacts screen.
  2. This action shows you the Enter Contact Details page, where you can fill in the contact information.
    Note: You’ll only need a first name to create a contact. 
  3. Click Save Contact once you’ve filled in the available information. This opens the contact’s profile page. Click here to review the Contact Profile article.

Note on Tags: When creating a contact, the available Tags (via search) come from the Organization page. Applying tags to a contact can help with contact searches.

Edit Contact

  1. To edit a contact, locate a contact to edit, then click Edit Contact at the top-right of the screen.
  2. You’ll enter the Account Details page, where you can edit any field of information. Once you’ve made your changes, click Save Contact at the bottom of the screen.
  3. To delete the contact click Delete. A notification to confirm you want to delete the contact will show at the bottom of the screen. Click Confirm.
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