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Activities Page Overview

Keep track of your different touch points from the Activities page. The screenshot below shows where you’ll land whenever you open Referral Management.  


Activities Calendar

The Activities Calendar provides a weekly view of your open activities. You’ll see a summary of the activity, including the location, the contact, and what you intend to do during your visit.

Note: Any activity you create that is left open will appear in the calendar view.

Once you finish an activity, click the checkmark icon to mark it as complete. In the pop-up, enter what you learned during the visit (optional), mark it as complete, and save.

If you need to edit an activity, use the (...) menu to find the pencil icon which you can click to open the Activity Edit pop-up.

Clicking the calendar icon or the arrows allows you to choose different days/weeks to display in the calendar view.

Lookup Account

If you need to quickly lookup an account to see their full activities or other information, start typing in the account name and then choose the account from the auto-populate listed.

Plan my Day

Use this feature to plan activities for multiple contacts or accounts at the same time for a specific day.

You can enter what you think you’re going to do into the weekly plan before you go out and do it. Creating your planned activities this way helps you to quickly log and complete activities as you move through the day. This method can help you avoid the need to create activities after every stop or having a backlog of activities you have to enter at the end of the day.

Planning Your Day

Use the feature to build a plan of Contacts and Accounts you intend to visit.

Start by selecting the “Date I want to do it.” 

The “Plan by" option is where you’ll search the Contacts and/or Accounts you intend to visit.

  • Contact 
  • Account
  • Contact Zip
  • Account Zip

Select an option, then enter a search query into the search box and click “Search,” all results populate automatically and be considered part of your selection. 

In the example below, we searched for “Irene White,” and so the contact was added.

In the next example, we searched for a specific “Account Zip,” resulting in all the Accounts with the same zip being added to the selection – along with the contact “Irene White” that we added earlier. 

If you want to remove one of the selections, click the “X” on the listed item you want to remove.

With your contacts and accounts selected, you can type in what you want to do during your visits. Type into the “What I want to do” field. Remember, this appears on each activity for each contact/account, avoid entering activity details that only apply to one account/contact.

Use the “Advanced Planner” feature to view and enter in full activity details. To learn how to fill out this section, see the article “Creating a New Activity.” 

Save Activity

Once you’ve selected the Contact/Accounts and entered what you intend to do across all the activities, you’re ready to click  Save Activity.

You can then see the activities you created for the day in the calendar view. At this point, If you need to add more details to a specific activity or delete it, you can click the ellipses to open the edit menu.

My To-do List

The My To-do List feature allows you to review your open Activities and quickly edit, complete, and delete them. 

Quick Complete

Use the Quick Complete button to complete multiple activities with the same information. 

Check each activity you want to complete, then click the Quick Complete button.

You’ll then be prompted to fill in the “What I learned” field (optional) and to save the activity.

Bulk Delete

To Bulk Delete many open activities, checkmark the desired activities. Then click the (...) menu and select “Bulk Delete”.

Edit Date

The Edit Date feature makes it easy to quickly edit the date of one or more open activities.

Checkmark any activity that you would like to set a new date for, then click the ellipses menu and select Edit Date.

A prompt allows you to select a new date for the activities, using a calendar opened by the drop-down arrow. Click Save Activity when you’re ready to set the new date.

My Completed Activities

This list allows you to review and track all completed activities. If needed, you can also edit the activities by clicking the (...) menu and selecting edit.

Recently Viewed Accounts

This list helps you quickly move into recently used accounts and reference their activity, KPIs, or contacts.

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