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User Referral Report

The User Referral Report is run by individual user and provides insight into their assigned accounts. This includes information such as account status, referral count by account, and last activity information. Reports can be exported to Excel. 


First, log into the system and navigate to reports. Click on User Referral Report. Next, select a user and click View Report. You’ll see a line for each of the user’s assigned accounts. First, we have the account status, the account name, any tags on the account, the date of the last referral from that account, the conversion rate for each account over the past 30 days, 90 days, and all-time. Then we have the date of the last activity this user had with this account, the number of referrals in the past 30 days, number of referrals in the past 90 days, and the number of referrals all time. If you hover over the “i” icon, you can see any notes from the last activity with this account. You can export this report by clicking Export Activities on the right-hand side.

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