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Plan My Day

Bulk add your activities to the Plan My Day section. This is especially useful if you have many visits with the same objective. 


When you log into the system, the first thing you will see is the “Plan My Day” feature. This allows you to plan your day, or even your whole week by adding your activities in bulk. So if you have a lot of visits with the same objective, we can use the planner instead of adding the activities one-by-one via the add activity button in the bottom right.

First, pick the date on which these activities will occur. Next, you can choose to plan by contact, account, account zip, or contact zip. If we choose Contact, we just have to type in contact names and press enter. If we choose Account, we type those in to add them. If we choose account zip, we will just enter a zip code and all accounts for that zip code will appear. You can then get rid of any you don’t need. Same idea with the contact zip.

Now that we have chosen all of the accounts and contacts for our activities, we can enter what we want to do (an objective). If we want to add more detail, we can click Advanced Planner and add more. Once we have filled out everything we want, we can click Save Activity and identical activities will be created for the accounts and contacts we entered.

We can see those activities in our calendar now. So now that you’ve planned your day, all you need to do while you’re out and about is click the checkmarks for each one, enter a note if you have one, and mark the activity complete. 

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